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Think Critically
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Write Creatively
Speak Confidently
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Debate is a popular academic co-curricular program for students around the world. Debate improves students’ critical thinking and enhances their presentation skills and general knowledge.
Debate motions will vary across themes, such as: social issues, culture, environment, education, science, etc.
The Global Citizen Academy provides qualified and experienced trainers with well-crafted curriculum that will train students to be well versed in the art of debating.
Enhance critical thinking and evaluation
Increasing general knowledge and awareness
Communicating in a persuasive manner
Learning Values
Semester 1 October - January |
Semester 2 February - May |
Semester 3 June - September | |
Fundamentals of Debate | Honing Individual Debate Skills | Cultivating Team Debate Skills | |
Novice Ages 11 - 14 years old |
Advanced Ages 11 - 14 years old |
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Content | Education
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Class Timetable
Classes | Age | Day | Time (SG) (GMT +8.00) |
Time (VN) (GMT +7.00) |
Time (IN) (GMT +7) |
Time (PH) (GMT +8) |
Novice | Ages 8 - 10 years old | Weekly, Saturdays | 1000 hrs - 1130 hrs |
0900 hrs - 1030 hrs |
0900 hrs - 1030 hrs |
1000 hrs - 1130 hrs |
Advanced | Ages 11 - 14 years old | Weekly, Saturdays | 1400 hrs - 1530 hrs |
1300 hrs - 1430hrs |
1300 hrs - 1430 hrs |
1400 hrs - 1530 hrs |
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October - January Schedule
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 |
23 October | 30 October | 6 November | 13 November |
Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 |
20 November | 27 November | 4 December | 11 December |
Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 |
18 December | 8 January | 15 January | 22 January |
Regular Class
Join our regular scheduled classes in a virtual classroom format where you will have the opportunity to meet new friends and participate in group work and discussions. All sessions are scheduled and conducted on a weekly basis.