Philippines Regular Classes
Think Critically | Speak Confidently | Write Creatively | Work Collaboratively | TGCA Philippines
Offered online, our regular classes aim to hone your child's skills in critical thinking, communication and creative expression from the comfort of your own home. Our classes for in Debate, Drama and Entrepreneurship & Sustainability are available for you to enrol your child in now.
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Drama and Creative Expression
Entrepreneurship & Sustainability
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Learning and improving their English reading, writing and speaking abilities as a second or even third language can be a challenge for many young children. Using drama as a tool for teaching will allow students to build familiarity and gain confidence in the English Language.
Through a variety of engaging drama-based activities and exercises, students will practice their creativity, critical thinking and interpersonal skills, allowing them to express their ideas in new ways.
This would prepare them for a future that demands mastery of the English Language in a range of academic and professional settings, from the classroom to the boardroom.

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Developing confidence in presentations and performances
Build familiarity with voice modulation and pronunciation, body language with gestures and stage skills
Ability to read and understand different forms of written English (e.g. poetry, prose, scripts)
Learning Values
Semester 1 Sep - Nov 2022 |
Semester 2 Nov 2022 - Feb 2023 |
Semester 3 Feb - May 2023 | |
Voice and Movement | Narratives and Storytelling | Exploration Through Drama | |
Novice Ages 9 – 12 years old |
Advanced Ages 13 – 16 years old |
Presented By:

The Entrepreneurship & Sustainability program aims to create awareness and an understanding of the importance of sustainability in the 21st century and how enterprises can address some of the challenges through the solutions they provide.
Through different exercises and practical sessions, students will discuss some pertinent issues in their communities and be challenged to think of their role in addressing them through tools like design thinking.
This program is ideal for students who are interested in entrepreneurship, in understanding how to build an enterprise, and in engaging with other students who share similar interest in sustainability and design thinking.

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Understand how people around the world are impacted, allowing them to empathize and realize the plight of the underprivileged in society
Understand how enterprises are formed, and how to develop an enterprise through solution development, drafting a business plan, managing stakeholders and in financing
Instill a sense of civic responsibility in students
Learning Values
Semester 1 Sep - Nov 2022 | Semester 2 Nov 2022 - Feb 2023 | Semester 3 Feb - May 2023 |
Understanding Sustainability and Entrepreneurship | Building your Enterprise I | Building your Enterprise II |
Skilled Ages 13 – 16 years old |
Presented By:

Debate is a popular academic co-curricular program for students around the world. Debate improves students’ critical thinking and enhances their presentation skills and general knowledge.
Debate motions will vary across themes, such as: social issues, culture, environment, education, science, etc.
The Global Citizen Academy provides qualified and experienced trainers with well-crafted curriculum that will train students to be well versed in the art of debating.

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Enhance critical thinking and evaluation
Increasing general knowledge and awareness
Communicating in a persuasive manner
Learning Values
Semester 1 Sep - Nov 2022 |
Semester 2 Nov 2022 - Feb 2023 |
Semester 3 Feb - May 2023 | |
Fundamentals of Debate | Honing Individual Debate Skills | Cultivating Team Debate Skills | |
Novice Ages 11 - 14 years old |
Advanced Ages 15 years and up |
Content | Education